Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 19, 2009
Today is my last p day with all my close friends from the mission. On Sat. they are going to "shuffle card us up." Which means I won't have a companion that I know. I am so sad that I will be leaving my companion. Also today I found out that Elder Alves is going home early because of back problems. He is just going home one month early. Poor guy... he can barely walk. I have been spending today with him. He has become one of my best friends. I will be really sad to see him go. I hope it is not forever. Well last Sat. was crazy! We had a baptism planned for Edilson. He was interveiwed but didnt pass! We were shocked! So we left his housed super sad and started working. We did not teach one lesson on Sat. We just walked around getting rejected. So at the end of the night we walked into Sister Sofias house and her daughter Lilia told me that Mairis wanted to be baptised. Mairis was a girl I taught way back in April with Elder Newby. She is a Seventh Day Adventist. She didn't want to be baptized because she thought the Sabbath was Sat. Well last weekend she told us she had been praying and really felt that the church is true. So we called our district leader and he came over and interveiwed her. With the help of Sister Sofia and Sister Suzette her mom signed her permission slip and she was baptized on Sunday. She will be a great member of the church! Edilson was interviewed again by the Stake Pres. and he will be baptized on Friday night. . . in his POOL! (look Dad he has a POOL). His wife is still a little unsure about being baptised but we´ll get her!

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