Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 12, 2009
My life is Fantastic right now! Whew! I just love the mission to death! Elder Orr and I are working hard and just loving every minute of it! We had two great baptism this last Sat., Rosa and Raine, a mother and her daughter. So special. The members helped us out so much. Friday night they weren't too excited to be baptized but Lilia (member, 16 yrs old) went over there and talked to them. They said they didn't want to baptized because they didn't know everything. Lilia opened her Book of Mormon and read Alma 32 with them and explained how faith and testimony is like a seed. They understood completely and on Sat they told us they wanted to be baptized because they knew that they were doing the right thing and their testimonies will just continue to grow. The members here are so good! I love them so much. They both felt the spirit so strong durning the baptism. It was so good. They were confirmed on Sunday. WOO! Today Elder Orr and I went to play soccer with the other missionaries. It was so fun. I made a lot of goals, one Brazilian elder asked if I had played soccer before and I said yes. He said "for what team?" He thought I played professionally or something. I am really out of shape. Its hard to run around. I can walk all day but running is different.
Yesterday we taught this family! It was so weird! Let me tell you why. So we were teaching the first lesson and they were understanding it completely, which is a miracle here. So after I had taught the apostasy, I said "so God needed to call another prophet to bring his church back to this earth." The Dad got all excited looked at me and said firmly "Nephi!" I was just sitting their thinking... "how does he know who is Nephi?" He told me he had already seen the Book of Mormon. We taught him about Joseph Smith and then about the Book of Mormon. They will go to church with us next Sunday because they can't this Sunday.

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