Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 6, 2009
hey everyone!
Yesterday was Zone conf. so pday was today. So today we got up early and went to some nature park. Me and Elder Orr went walking through the jungle and then Elder Silva and Elder Romero came after us. We played around in the jungle and then . . . you´ll never believe what we did. We found Tarzan vines! Yes, I have officially swung on a vine in the Amazon jungle. They are actually not vines . . . wierd they are like branches that are hanging down. It cut my hands, but it was worth it. It was nice to just go play with some of my way good friends. I love the people I went with. It was me, Elder Orr (my companion whom I love so much. He is like my best friend. We are so alike and really different.) Elder Alvez who has been my Brazilian brother as well as Elder Silva. They are two GREAT friends. Elder Leal, who I am just starting to get to know, but he is so funny. He showed up in the middle of the jungle fanning himself with this huge leaf like he was some kind of king... so funny. Also Elder Paulino who is my district leader and his Jr. companion Elder Romero. They are also really fun. It was just fun to go and see the jungle and we also saw a jaguar . . . in a cage of course and some monkeys.
We have two baptisms set for this Sunday, Rosa and her Daughter Raiane. Satan is starting to work on them. They are getting nervous just like all the other people we teach. However, the members here in this area are so good. Sister Sofia washes our clothes, and sends breakfast to our house. Sister Erica makes sure I have eaten dinner every night. Normally we don't eat dinner, but here in Tancredo Neves we never will loose weight. Elder Orr and I want to loose weight . . . He plays Volleyball at UVU and needs to stay in top form and I have some plans for when I get back . . . aka a model, just kidding. Yesterday was conf. It was good. At least this time the power point by the assistants didn't have pictures of Jessica Simpson in it. Yeah, the last power point they did was full of pictures of "babes." Kill ME! They were teaching us how to choose a wife and thought that these women were perfect. Hmmm. . . NOT! Yesterday was better. They taught about how this time is special and we need to make the most out of it. Elder Windley also taught about faith. When he started his power point, I looked at him and said, "Elder Windley, if this has one picture of a babe, I´ll stand up and walk out." He laughed and thought it was funny. Well I don't have much more to say. I love this gospel. I feel like my testimony is so plain, but it's because i just need to say one line... I don't have any doubts that this is the only true church!
I love you all!
Elder Perry

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